Dr. Tsenbeni Profile

Email : tsenbengulliengullie@gmail.com

Education :

  • B.A, Patkai Christian College
  • M.A, Nagaland University
  • Ph.D. Nagaland University

Teaching Experience : 17 Years

Workshop/Webinar :

  • Professional Development Workshop for Teachers and Trainers of English, organised by British Council in partnership with Eltai, Lady Keane College.
  • Workshop on challenges and issues of teaching-writing at the undergraduate level in Nagaland organized by CUE Academy of writing skills, Kohima.
  • National Webinar on Effective Presentation Skills.
  • International Webinar on Redefining Instructional Technique and Learning Strategic Challenges and Opportunities organized by Department of English, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai


  • Orientation Course for Teachers of English at UG Level, organized by Department of English, NU.
  • UGC sponsored Refresher course, NEHU, Shillong.
  • Orientation course for Teachers of English organized by Department of English, NU.